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ChatGPT & How Google’s future chatbot & AI can Impact Google Search Ads

Keywords: #apprentice bard, #Meena, #LaMDA #GoogleAI #ChatGTP

ChatGPT has been a trending topic of discussion for the last few weeks. Google, according to many articles, is not willing to play a crucial role in fighting against the ChatGPT. It is all set to revamp artificial intelligence or AI which can have a great impact on Google Searchads. How can GoogleAI have an impact on businesses or on individuals? We have got some bits and pieces from different reports about the new GoogleAI. Read on to know everything in details below.

What is new about Google AI?

According to Sundar Pichai: the spokesperson of Google, they are really focused on developing an AI that can make people’s life better. AI is a transformative technology along with foundational capabilities that can be quite useful for businesses as well as for individuals. With this concept, Google carries out to leverage AI in the search engine. #Apprentice Bard, #Meena, #LaMDA

With the ChatGPT being quite a new innovation in the competition, Google is all geared up to provide the best and more improved AI. Google also explained that their algorithm is based on AI which can help with better understanding as well as better ranking of the queries. As the company has introduced the new AI, you can expect to get better search engine results for your queries.

What to expect from new Google AI?

Google is yet to release the new version of AI. But according to the reports, it is going under some testing for the latest features. The company plans to respond to the ChatGPT with some more improved and better features. If you are looking for some answers about what to expect, here is some information for you.

According to the latest reports, people can very soon be able to have interaction directly with the search engine. This is an innovative as well as an experimental way of answering the queries that people have in their mind. AI being one of the most profound technologies, Google is surely not leaving any stones unturned to use it to the fullest.

There is no doubt that Google is facing a lot of competition and pressure from the new and advanced ChatGPT. As the prime business of Google is web search, the company is quite focused in gaining back the best spot in the market with the best in class AI. So, it can have an immense impact on the Google Searchads that can benefit the businesses as well as the individuals.

To Conclude

While we are still waiting for Google to roll out its new and improved AI, we have some ideas about the latest features that you can get. No matter what, Google can never disappoint us! As the Google spokesperson claimed that it is going bigger and will go deep into the minds. So, you can basically expect Google AI to be nothing less than a human interaction. Businesses will surely get a lot of benefits from it as the first thing the new AI is going to impact is the Google SearchAds. People can see more relevant results now with the latest Google AI in the market.